What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person. Earlier when I talked about the pitfalls of basing ideas off of looks, I didn't take into account believing that somebody is more than that. To believe in someone, without having seen through their cracks, off of the idea that they project is bound to get you a broken heart in the long run. I guess you can only really trust the broken people- at that point they have nothing to hide and nothing to lose. Until you're broken and have to pick up the pieces, do you truly even know yourself?

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    The Glorious Town of Agloe


    My name is Margo Roth Spieglman. In Paper Towns by John Green, I go on an adventure, leaving little clues that I didn't expect anyone to follow, except maybe Q. This story of glory and adventure began in Orlando, Florida-where I grew up-and ended in Agloe, New York. 


    December 2013
    April 2013

