
The end of your senior year is supposed to be great right? Apparently my friends didn't get that memo... My best friend Becca has been sleeping with my boyfriend behind my back, not like that's any great surprise. Even though that's like, the first rule in the How To Not Be A Shitty Best Friend Booklet that they give to at the beginning of first grade, I'm more upset with my other friend-Lacey. I mean, Lacey wasn't doing Jase behind my back or anything, but I'm sure that she knew, and didn't even tell me. On top of all that my parents are being as ridiculous as ever, this house is basically like a prison. I need to get out, and this time for good. But first, I'm going to teach that neighbor of mine how to live. I know he thinks about me a lot, he's always looking at me, deep in thought. I'm going to use him and he's going to use me, and in the end we'll be left with our own stories to tell. I'm going out with a bang, and Q is going to help me.

    The Glorious Town of Agloe


    My name is Margo Roth Spieglman. In Paper Towns by John Green, I go on an adventure, leaving little clues that I didn't expect anyone to follow, except maybe Q. This story of glory and adventure began in Orlando, Florida-where I grew up-and ended in Agloe, New York. 


    December 2013
    April 2013

