I've run away before, granted I never was able to stay gone like I had wanted to. Those were more just half baked attempts to jump out of my paper. I used to live a paper life for a paper girl, but I did things no one knew about, that no one saw. Do you remember Gus, the security guard? He and I and this one other person would go out on weekends sometimes and explore abandoned buildings. One time we stumbled on this old abandoned minimall and it instantly became my favorite place out of them all. I'd go and revisit it from time to time. It was here that I made my plans for my trip, and left one of my last clues. With the last bit of spray paint I had, I left my intentions on the wall, just in case anyone, someone like Sherlock Holmes maybe, followed my clue trail here, and they knew not to come looking for me, and that all was well.

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    The Glorious Town of Agloe


    My name is Margo Roth Spieglman. In Paper Towns by John Green, I go on an adventure, leaving little clues that I didn't expect anyone to follow, except maybe Q. This story of glory and adventure began in Orlando, Florida-where I grew up-and ended in Agloe, New York. 


    December 2013
    April 2013

